Significant Digits
Thermal Recovery Systems has been in continuous business operations since 1975
We have 2 distribution warehouses in metro Atlanta
We have 4 delivery vehicles
We employ 25 direct staff members
We have 2 full time service technicians
We have been a Camfil distributor for 20 years
For year ending 2019 we are the 8th largest Camfil distributor/rep in the united states
We have been a Kinetics Noise Control representative for more than 30 years
We have been a Dri-Steem Humidifier representative for more than 30 years
We have been a Phoenix Controls representative for more than 20 years
Phoenix Controls has been installed in more than 2.5 million square feet of laboratory space in Georgia
In more than 1300 lab spaces
and control of more than 560 VAV fume hoods